-Finnish: Finland
-Return/single tickets: coming back/going away ticket.
-Casualties: one who is injured or killed in an accident.
-Thanked: to say thank you.
-Wipe out: to destroy completely.
-Fields: where you grow crops.
-Lead to: to go before or with show the way.
-Drown: to die from being put under water.
-Four-year-old boy: a boy with four years old.
-Shocked: a sudden blow or impact. (you don't speak, you don't know where you go)
-To pretend: you simulate.
-Fighting huge flames.
-Thick smoke: dense smoke.
-Unable: lacking the necessary power, ability, competence, time, etc, to accomplish some act. ("You couldn't put put the fire").
-Put out: extinguish.
-Break out: to start.
-Buildings collapse: buildings falls, get trapped.
-Aid: to provide support (for) or relief (to) help.
-Shelter: place where you are safe.
-Lightning: a brilliant flash in the sky.
-Drift: a driving movement, as of a current of water.
Excellent Marina!!!!